Library Code of Conduct

Library Code of Conduct

To ensure that all visitors to the Valleyview Municipal Library are able to use the resources and services available at the Library in a safe and comfortable manner, the following guidelines for behaviour have been determined.
Visitors to the Library are required to respect Library staff and other Library users. Behaviour that may interfere with library services, or the enjoyment of the Library by other users is prohibited. This behaviour includes, but is not limited to:
· Excessively loud noise or disorderly conduct such as running, loud or abusive language, viewing of pornography, and inappropriate displays of affection.
· Possession of/use of alcohol or illegal drugs or being intoxicated on the premises.
· Defacement, mutilation or theft of Library property.
· Use of furniture, equipment or facilities in a manner for which they were not intended.
· Harassment or threats to other visitors or staff.
· Any behavior that negatively affects the safe and efficient operation of the Library.
Violation of these guidelines may result in loss of Library privileges as well as the right to enter the Library building.